Thursday, August 16, 2007

Deathly Hallows (No Spoilers)

I finished the book at 3:30am and then fell into a peaceful, dreamless sleep. When I woke, my mind was still in the book, thinking about the dreadful and wonderful things that had happened. It's been a long time since a book ran the emotional gamut for me, and I can say now without fear of rebuke that JK Rowling has become one of my favorite writers.

People like to criticize famous authors simply for the fact that they are popular. I find this to be a petty waste of time. If an author manages to captivate you for seven books, she is a good author. If you pick up her book and you cannot put it down, even if your roommates become murderously irate with you- she is a good author. Out of the entire series, Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows were the only books I was forced to read in two separate sittings- not because I wasn't willing to stay up reading all night, but because I couldn't drive to work and read at the same time. I know I should have called in sick, and I'm regretting it now, but it's all in past.

It's finally over. I didn't think that Jo could wrap it up so neatly, but she proved me wrong. Not only did she wrap it up better than I had expected, she amped everything up notch or six and made some moves that I wasn't expecting. While I was brushing my teeth, I realized, "Now I can actually go on the internet and not worry about spoilers!"

So, without spoiling it for anyone else, let me just say this. Hermione dies. Ron dies. Hagrid , Ginny, Professor McGonagal, and Professor Flitwick, all die. Hogwarts is burned to the ground and everyone dies. The Burrow gets blown up and everyone dies. The Ministry is turned into a molten pool of hot slag and everyone dies. And Dumbledore comes back from the dead and then dies again, after killing Harry, who also dies.

Just kidding. (p.s. I was right about Snape!!!)

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